Various designs of Expansion Joints
Bellows with hexa-shape flange 1
Bellows with hexa-shape flange 2
Expansion pipe
Expansion pipe with cover capsule type
Expansion joint with controlled rod
Marine exhaust side A
Marine exhaust side B
Leakage test
Bellows 24 inch - 1
Bellows 24 inch - 2
Bellows with custom flange
Small size expansion joints
Both end free connection (non-welded)
Expansion joint with inner sleeve
Expansion joint with tie rods
Expansion joint with tie rods and control rings 1
Expansion joint with tie rods and control rings 2
Expansion joint with custom flange
Finish products waiting for delivery
Expasion joint with inner sleeve
Small size with inner sleeve
Small size with inner sleeve
Single expansion joint with tie rods
Large size squre type expansion joint
Fix and float flage type
Universal (dual) type expansion joint
Custom designed bellows